I have worked for many years in design studios, startups, and large companies, creating cutting-edge products from scratch and improving products already created.

I always try to find and solve user problems through research, working closely with various departments throughout the product development process within the business goals, aiming to make the solution as elegant and simple as possible.

Using prototypes as part of the iterative process of creating a user-friendly product, I try to turn abstract concepts into real products and services in a fast-paced world.




Jun 2018 - Mar 2020

Product Manager / Lead Product Designer

A startup in the field of digital document management automation.
As a product designer, I was engaged in research on user needs, forming requirements and describing products' tasks, and market research. In the future, I began to combine the position of product manager and manage the team, form a product strategy.

  • prototyping and design of the main product features based on user needs research, business, and market analysis;
  • launched the product in a large law firm for 40 people, which proved the value of the product;
  • assembled and managed a distributed team of 11 people;
  • creating a functional specification (User stories, Use cases, prototyping GUI)
  • co-author of the application for the status of "Skolkovo Resident";

Renaissance Insurance

Sep 2017 - Jun 2018

Head of Digital Product Design and Development

Renaissance Insurance is a federal significance company in the Russian market, the direct insurance leader via the Internet and phone. I was responsible for designing new products at the company, supporting old ones, developing a Design System, and researching user needs.

  • created, conveyed value, and implemented a Design System in the company;
  • increase the conversion to purchase by about 30%, by rethinking the user experience of the online travel insurance service;
  • I was a member of the Renaissance Life App Research and Development working group. Research conducted this research jointly with talented specialists Elizaveta Revzina and Vladimir Melnikov from the Boston Consulting Group(BCG).


Mar 2016 - Dec 2016

Senior Product Designer

The private space company is engaged in creating autonomous navigation systems, situational and dispatch centers, developing and implementing data reception and processing complexes, and developing geoinformation systems.
I was the only designer involved in user research, product design, and managing the company's rebranding with Redis studio.

  • redesign of the Windows-based remote sensing center product, which consisted of seven modules. After the new design, the product began to consist of three modules, becoming more user-friendly;
  • prototyping and product design of a geographic information system for viewing and analyzing map data from scratch under the name FIXEC based on the needs of users and businesses;
  • rebranding of the company together with the Redis studio, developed a new logo, corporate identity, and website of the company;


Jul 2015 - Jan 2016

Product Designer

Design of the first iOS app in Russia for buying and selling shares using a mobile device.

  • designed and developed the design of the MVP iOS app;
  • The app's created MVP raised $ 1 million from the company Mail.ru as an investment.


Jul 2014 - Jun 2015

Lead Ux/Ui Designer

WayRay is a technology company that manufactures the world's first navigation system based on holographic augmented reality. I was engaged in the research and design of augmented reality interfaces and iOS and Android applications for Navion and Element products in the team.

  • designed and developed the AR prototype design for the Navion product;
  • designed and developed the iOS app design for the Element product;
  • product prototypes were presented at CES 2018.


Dec 2012 - Mar 2014

Ux/Ui Designer

I have been researching user needs, designing and designing the "Expert Council" platform for "Open Government" so that users can make and discuss laws online on iOS and Web devices. The number of users was about 3000.


Feb 2012 - Dec 2012

Web Designer

Website design for the Bank Expobank, Zingaya. Design of iOS apps for Avangard Bank, Bitrix24, and Zingaya.

According to the Runet Rating version, the site Zingaya.com received 1st place in the category: Services for business for 2012. 

Read about the award.

Web Prime Group

May 2011 - Feb 2012


Support for the design of the company's main portals, womanjournal.ru, passion.ru, puretrend.ru, purepeople.ru, creation of design concepts for special projects, design of email newsletters.
