Online Travel Insurance

Renaissance insurance / 2017-2018

Renaissance Insurance is one of the leading companies in the Russian insurance market. One of the key areas of the company is Travel Insurance. 


Lead Product Designer

Problem space

By the end of 2017, the service had only a desktop interface, which was a huge problem, as mobile device traffic grew and the company lost profits, as customers could not buy insurance using a smartphone or tablet. Also, the old interface was very inconvenient, had no prompts, and took a long time to load, which did not like the customers according to research results. The old interface did not allow the business and Marketing departments to sell additional services to customers.


The customer should conveniently and quickly buy insurance through the service, regardless of what device they use and transparency - the customer understands what they are paying for.

The marketing and business department should be able to sell additional services to the client.


All studies and tests were conducted on employees of the company. The company employs about 3,000 people who are active users of its products.
After the first sketches and wireframes, I started designing the actual screen flow and testing them. This involved working closely with all stakeholders, the development team, and the users. The following screens result from several iterations that have increased the conversion to purchase by almost 30%.


About Trip

First step

At this stage, we segment users by finding out information about the trip. It is enough to enter information about the trip, dates, and number of tourists. The interface adapts in real-time depending on the selected parameters.


Cost and Options

Second step

At this step, the user can select additional policy options and immediately see how they affect the final cost. Additional information about the options and what is included in them can be found in the tooltips.

This architecture allows the Marketing and Business department to sell additional options depending on the target audience, seasonality, and popularity of the options.


Policy Details & Purchase

Third step

At this stage, we only ask for the necessary information to purchase the policy and nothing more. All fields pass validation of the entered information, which does not allow the user to make a mistake.


Mobile layouts


I am glad that our team managed to make the service convenient and transparent for users by completing the marketing and business department's tasks. Currently, the service continues to work in the current design, only slightly changed, proving the effectiveness of the design made.

Special thanks to Ilya Mesheryakov for his thoughts, work, and illustrations.
